
Monday, December 16, 2013

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Fix one or more Column in Microsoft Excel

We will continue Microsoft Excel tutorials series. In last post in this topic, I have discussed about Fixing Headers in Microsoft Excel. We have learn how to fix one or more rows at same position while scrolling all data values in worksheet. If you have missed that read that post first.

Today, We will learn to Fix one or more columns which might be headers. The requirement is much similar like the previous scene, so I don't write more intro and requirement here.
Lets see, what we got first.
In above sheet, this is a sample format for Vehicle Tracking System on daily basis. Fist five columns are SN, Vehicle Number, Body Type of Vehicle, Driver Name and his mobile number which are important and we want them to fix at their position. Then we created Daily Status fields with simple two columns, one is Status and another is Location for that day. We expect that user will feed once a day and proceed ahead. But, in case you have lots of vehicles, suppose 200 or more and you are tracking for the day 28 or 29, what will be the scene at that time.
Just as we did in previous post, we will fix these Column fixed values and hide remaining data as we scroll to next date.


If you have to fix, only on Column, there is a simple option provided in Microsoft Excel. In the View tab, there is Freeze Panes command, once you click on this, you will get option to Freeze First Column. That will do the job.
But, if you have more than one column to Fix. Follow these steps.
  1. Click and select entire Column next to the Required Area. In above scene, I will select Column F.
  2. Click on View Tab.
  3. Click on Freeze Panes command.
  4. Click on Freeze Panes option.

You have done it. Lets see the output.

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