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This is all in one page containing, disclaimer, privacy policy and other pages (copyright, legal etc) that websites generally have.
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- None of posts posted here are copied from any source. If you found, please contact me using any contact option available on this blog and my website. You can also drop me a mail if you found any copied material here at john @ johnbhatt .com .
- Codes are mostly similar, some parts of code might match with other available code on Internet, but this will not called Copied. All these are published after testing on authors machine.
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- Simplicity, no one can be as simple we are. We write code, article and other posts in plain and understandable language that help you to understand and get the even a each line of code. If you have any doubt, read any post here. Reason behind this is not that we do not know the complex or shorter method, but we choose longer but a permanent and safest way. Promising once you read, will will never forget what you learn here.
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