
Saturday, July 27, 2013

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Maintenance Complete in Download Center


We have finished migrating all thing from Previous Host to New Host. Download Center is expected to Work as same as previous days. Accounts registered with our website has been kept same and you can log in with earlier credential. Other URLs and Bookmarks you added will also remain same and working.

However, Live FM's will be down for some more hours. We are working and collecting more reliable sources of stream. Once it will be done, we will notify you here.

You can keep in touch by Adding us on Facebook page, Just hit Like and Click Show in Feed link which will appear on hovering Like Button. You can also subscribe to new songs on Download Center  via Feedburner Service by Google. Google will drop you a mail once New Song is available on Download Center.

We have shifted to Higher Configuration and Dedicated Server without any Limitations, So Website is expected to load in less time and other resources also.

Till then, enjoy New songs in Download Center and have fun.

+John Bhatt & Team
P.Yar.B Complex


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