
Thursday, January 30, 2014

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Adding CommentLuv in Blogger

Once again, a new post for all blogger friends. As you are aware, the quality back-link has great value in website ranking. Most of blogger want to increase their ranking on various measurement tools and follow many tricks. They use many tools available over internet.

CommentLuv / IntenseDebate

In case of blog, one of the most used and must have feature is comment system. You should know what your visitor think about your post, so there should be a commenting system which is powerful, can protect spam, give you ability to control them and other administration features. Disqus is one of the most used commenting system. Another powerful and most used commenting platform is CommentLuv from IntenseDebate. This is an Automattic product. Automattic is company which made WordPress, JetPack, Askimet and other web products which are used by approx 70-80 % of web-masters. So by default, CommenLuv comes with Askimet spam protection which is actually powerful and blocks spam without any extra effort. Best thing about IntenseDebate is it is free. We will learn how to integrate CommentLuv comments with blogger template so that our blog can display and work with IntenseDebate commenting system.


  1. Open
  2. Fill the required details, If you have already got a account, you can login using WordPress API.
  3. If you are registering for first time, you must confirm your email id. Check you inbox and confirm email.
  4. Login to using your username/password.
  5. Click on Sites menu and choose Add Blog/Site or navigate to

  6. Put the domain of your blog. They have great support for Blogger. You can put your custom domain or domain name and click next.
  7. This is choose your platform screen. Currently they have automated tools for, TypePad, tumblr and Blogger. Click on Blogger button. Remember, classic blogger is not supported.
  8. Now the next step is to login to blogger. Remember, you are using Modern version of Blogger. Navigate to Template section.
  9. Click on Backup/Restore button on right top corner. 
  10. You will be asked to download the template or upload. Click on "Download Full Template" button.
  11. Save this XML file (blogger template) to hard disc. Now navigate back to IntenseDebate website.
  12. Next screen is installer screen for blogger. There are some steps. They will ask you either you want to put commenting system in all posts or in new posts only. Selecting All posts will delete all older comments made using Blogger comment system. So this is not recommended if you have lots of comments in website earlier.
  13. There is a File Upload button in Step 5, click on button, upload your newly saved XML template. The rest is on IntenseDebate.
  14. Once file is uploaded, they read content and place all settings and codes themselves in template and write all code in a textbox.
  15. Now copy all that text and navigate to blogger. Click on Edit HTML button. 

  16. Replace all content in editor and click on Save Template button. Your all existing script customizations, texts, widgets will remain same and as per your settings, you can see the IntenseDebate commending system enabled in your blog posts.
You have successfully completed the installation of IntenseDebate commending system in your blogger powered blog. Leave feedback about your reading experience. Your feedback will help us to improve.

Thanks for reading.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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Story behind OneDrive - Microsoft re-branded SkyDrive


Some time ago, I have written a blog post about introduction to SkyDrive. Microsoft has publicly announced to Re-Brand the SkyDrive with new name and it will be called OneDrive.
Now skydrive blog and website are also available with new name OneDrive. As in the official blog post from Microsoft at, "Of course, changing the name of a product as loved as SkyDrive wasn’t easy."

Story Behind Re-branding

Microsoft has launched SkyDrive in 2007. But a British television broadcasting company SkyDigital (BSkyB) filed a Trademark violation case for the use of word "Sky" against Microsoft in 2013. Later Microsoft and BSkyB made a agreement and Microsoft agreed to change the name of it's cloud storage service within reasonable period of time. Five months later, based on this, Microsoft has decided to change its name to OneDrive and publicly announced on 27th January 2014.


"Why OneDrive? We know that increasingly you will have many devices in your life, but you really want only one place for your most important stuff.As said in Preview website, some new features are expected one this version with New Brand name. Microsoft can increase storage capacity and expected to launch premium plans with more storage.


BBC News: Microsoft made to rename Skydrive after BSkyB victory
Wikipedia  : SkyDrive
OneDrive Blog : OneDrive for Everything in Your Life.
Note: Text in Italic is copied from references.
We will keep you posted on further changes and announcements. Keep reading.
+John Bhatt 
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Thursday, January 23, 2014


RichTextBox in a single textbox among multiple TinyMCE

Some time ago, I have written an post about integration of TinyMCE editor in ASP.NET website. The same was also published in CodeProject and most visited article of mine. While answering comments there, I got a request from one of reader.
His question is, "I have used TinyMCE Rich TextBox in my application but in my web form i have mulitple mulitiline TextBox. what I want that Rich TextBox should be bind to only one text box not all TextBoxes."


So the solution is here. Lets create a scene as below.

Here we have to convert TextArea for about to Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG). Lets view source code of above design. I have tried to use simple HTML5 tags. So that other users can also get advantage of this tutorial.
 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<head runat="server">
    <title>Rich Text Editor in Single TextArea among many</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <h1>Rich Text Editor in Single TextArea among many</h1>
            <legend>Profile Update</legend>
                <input type="text" id="txtName" runat="server" />
                <input type="radio" name="Gender" id="radioMale" runat="server" value="Male" />
                <input type="radio" name="Gender" id="radioFemale" runat="server" value="Female" />
                <label>Email ID</label>
                <input type="text" id="txtEmail" runat="server" />

                <textarea rows="5" cols="50" id="txtAbout" class="Editor" runat="server"></textarea>
                <textarea rows="2" cols="50" id="txtremarks" runat="server"></textarea>               
                <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" Text="Submit" runat="server" />
                <input type="reset" value="Clear Form" runat="server" />


Here we are using TinyMCE version 4.0.xx. This version is major upgrade and has completely different look and internal architecture compared to version 3.xx. So here is some difference in its integration.
If you are not familiar with this process, please read our previous post, that will describe you about Copying required files in project directory and inserting script in more details. Insert below code before closing of head tag in your HTML page.
<script src="script/tinymce/tinymce.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            selector: ".Editor",
            theme: "modern",
            plugins: ["lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak"],                        


Notable and new code in above integration script is selector tag. This is new included tag in TinyMCE version 4.0.xx. This gives us below options.
Do not forget to change the path to Script as per you folder structure.
  • selector : "textarea"

    : This option will convert all TextAreas in visual editor. 
  • selector : "textarea.Editor"

    : This option will select all TextAreas with CSS Class Editor applied.
  • selector : h1.Editor

    or div.Editor : This option will change this to Inline editor for H1 or DIV with CSS class name of Editor.
As you see in code of scene designed above. you can see that we have applied class Editor which we did not created in any css file to one of the TextArea. Here we used this method.

Older Version

If you are working with TinyMCE version 3.xx, here is the code to be inserted in Head section of HTML page. 
 <script type="text/javascript" 
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
            // General options
            // mode: "textareas",
    // Set mode to Exact.                       
            mode: "exact",  
            // Write the name of ID of TextArea where you want editor to appear in element property.
            elements : "txtRemarks", 

            theme: "advanced",
            plugins: "pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,


Now, the output of above work is below.
Its perfect.
If you find this article helpful, drop a comment or share with your friend.
+John Bhatt

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Monday, January 20, 2014

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Add SyntaxHighlighter to your blog

This post is about all Blogger, who write code and want to share their code on their website of community. If the code is in HTML, JavaScript or other browser understandable language, browser renders and displays output instead of code. Visitor will see nothing instead of garbage while in case of other programming languages, formatting, wrapping, alignment and other styles are lost and user is confused about its actual structure.

To remove this we are going to implement SyntaxHighlighter functionality in our blog. Here we will work with Blogger blog, the method is same for html webpage. SyntaxHighlighter is a JavaScript library written by Alex Gorbatchev in year 2004. Because of its feature, it becomes more famous and still maintained at his website.


Include the JavaScript files in head section of your website code using External Script linking method. For blogger, open your Template and search for closing of head tag.
Then paste these links for including files. You can also download latest version from and use in your own web host also but blogger does not allow you to upload JavaScript files.
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
You need to include file that you are going to use. Above links are of default CSS style sheets and CSS, JavaScript, XML, CSharp, Php, SQL languages. XML includes HTML, XHTML and XML. Next step is to write a simple JavaScript function and tell browser to run the code.
<script type='text/javascript'>
  SyntaxHighlighter.config.bloggerMode = true;
Now you are all set to write code in your post. Open editor in HTML mode and write code inside HTML pre (Pre formatted) tag with a class attribute (stylesheet identifier) defining its programming language. Lets see below example to get clear view. 
<pre class="brush:html"> // Replace your brush with your own.
<title>Adding SyntaxHighlighter to Blogger Blog by John Bhatt</title>
Body can contain codes also, that too highlighted and formatted, well aligned. Congrats.

Important: You may have to change html tags < and > to html ISO codes. Simply open any code editor Notepad will also rock. Open Replace box using Ctrl+H shortcut or from Edit menu and search for < (Less than) and replace with <. Once again search for > (Greater than) and replace with > using Replace all method. This will not produce any error in case of HTML and other html tags.

Output is in your page. We have done this using this plugin. You have many themes (styles) to make it look better. You can include CSS as per your requirement. 
Do not forget to share and post suggestions.
+John Bhatt 
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Feeling Great - Thanks once again

I have started this blog just for making fun. I was not serious about blogging and even unaware also. In the early days of my internet journy, I created lots of Free websites provided by most of companies and with their own subdomains. When GeoCites (Yahoo's free hosting service) was about to shut down, I have started to search alternative. I came to know about Blogger and registered a blog named I have just posted some funny posts, you can still see in Archieves on starting days.
On 11th July 2012, I received 10,000 visitors for my blog. During this span, I have learned a lot and registered my own domain also. But I was still using Free hosting and gpEasy, WordPress, Joomla or some other PHP based cms to post blogs. When there was some problem with web hosting provider, blog becomes unavailable and I feel very frustrated. Then I continued writing my posts here. Most of posts with other CMS has been lost so this is somehow empty. One best thing about Blogger is it is Free and always up. Also being a Google product it is easy to share and make available to web.
Some milestones.

Received 10K visitors on July 2012.
Now we are about to get 50K visitors.

I was earlier using as url of website. Then I switched it to which was somehow not confortable for search engine and visitors also. Then I registered a domain name and copied all blogs in one place. Then the most difficult task was to redirect all users and all existing link to new domain in case of blogger where we don't have access to .htaccess file. Then I found a method to Redirect user to new domain from older domain and now all existing links and bookmarks are also working fine.

I am very thankful to each and every visitor who have been through this website. Please provide your feedback and suggestions. This will help me on further improvement.
+John Bhatt 
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

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Export to Word from GridView in ASP.NET


Today, I am going to continue our GridView tricks series ahead and posting a nice and useful feature. For all list of GridView articles we have written here, you can search for GridView in search box. As I have previously written about Exporting data to Excel from GridView, this is about exporting GridView to Microsoft Word which is another most used document format and needed in most cases.
Lets create a design as below.
I have just dragged and dropped a gridview control and used autoformat to make GridView look some better. 
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <style type="text/css">
        .auto-style1 {
            text-align: justify;
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <h1 class="auto-style1">
        Export to Word 
        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3" Width="590px">
            <FooterStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#000066" />
            <HeaderStyle BackColor="#006699" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
            <PagerStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#000066" HorizontalAlign="Left" />
            <RowStyle ForeColor="#000066" />
            <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#669999" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
            <SortedAscendingCellStyle BackColor="#F1F1F1" />
            <SortedAscendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#007DBB" />
            <SortedDescendingCellStyle BackColor="#CAC9C9" />
            <SortedDescendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#00547E" />
        <br />
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Export to Word" />

Now bind data to this gridview from backend.

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string ConString = "Server=.\\sqldb;database=Store;integrated security=true;";
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConString);
        string QueryText = "SELECT DISTINCT Products.ProductName, Brands.BrandName, Category.CategoryName, 
Products.UnitPrice, Products.UnitsInStock from products,brands,Suppliers,Category 
where Products.BrandID=Brands.BrandID and Products.CategoryID=Category.CategoryID;";

        SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(QueryText, con);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        GridView1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;
Let's view page in Browser. You must see data from your database. Mine query has resulted below data in grid.
Perfect, now its time to do the important stuff. Lets write code for Export Button. Double click in button to create a method and automatically bind event with control. Now write below code in backend.

 public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)


    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Buffer = true;
        Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename=Products.doc"));        
        Response.ContentType = "application/ ";
        StringWriter WriterForWord = new StringWriter();
        HtmlTextWriter HTMLWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(WriterForWord);
        GridView1.AllowPaging = false;

Its time to check our code, Click on Export to Word button. I have attached snapshot of Firefox because it prompts user.
You can save file or just click on Open with your word processor software. I am using Microsoft Word here.
Did you read our previous Export to Excel tutorial? What are the similarities between exporting to Word and Excel?
I am leaving with a question, if you know, leave a reply below.
Thanks for reading . Do not forget to say thanks or plus1 or provide feedback.
+John Bhatt 
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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Custom Message when no rows in GridView

Lets get back to ASP.NET series and work with GridView once again. We have previously done following jobs with GridView.
You are suggested to read above posts before reading this post.


 If you are a ASP.NET developer, you have to work with GridView control every day. In a SQL powered website, this is a must have control and almost every developer uses it. It grabs data from Data Source defined and show in tabular format with added CSS and other features.
But some features are disabled by default, you have to turn them on. Suppose you have no data to display, GridView control simply disappears, your user will not see any design or message. To overcome this, GridView control has a builtin feature that can tell user that there is no data in that case, we have to just turn it on and customize message.


Lets see a below design.
Lets create a SQL Table as below structure.
--Create a Database for temporary purpose.
--Use newly created database for forther queries.
USE testdatabase;
--Create a Simple table with 4 columns
StudentID int PRIMARY KEY Identity(100,1),
StudentName nvarchar(150),
CourseName nvarchar(100),
ContactDetails nvarchar(500) 
And bind gridview with above table which is empty. Double click on any empty location of Page to go to Page_Load event or just press F7 key to switch between aspx page and Code behind page.
Code as below is suffcient for this task, you can also go for graphical method.
//Include namespaces for DataTable and SQL access.
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string ConString = "Server=.\\sqldb;database=testdatabase;integrated security=true;";
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConString);
        SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from TestTable", con);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        GridView1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;
Lets view it on browser.
  • Question : Where is our GridView? We have added and binded it with database. 
  • Answer   : Oh! There is no data in table, so it is blank and hidden to free space.  
  • Question : Does user knows about this?
  • Answer   : No, every user might not be familier to ASP.NET and web programming. He will just think some fool has designed page and he forgot to add content in this place. 
So the requirement is to tell user in a familier language that there is no data. So that he can tell you are smart and feel happy with website/application. 

Putting Error Message

We have a attribute property of GridView called EmptyDataText inside Appearance section. Lets have a look at below screenshot.
You can write your error message in case of Empty Data in that textbox or you can simply add a property in GridView code and write its value as below.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"  
    EmptyDataText="Sorry! There is no data present. Please add or wait for others to enter record."
    EmptyDataRowStyle-ForeColor="Red"  EmptyDataRowStyle-BorderStyle="Solid">

I have added two more attributes named EmptyDataRowStyle-ForeColor which will assign "Red" color as its text color and also EmptyDataRowStyle-BorderStyle attribute which will put a solid border around table. Now save page and view in browser. This will display output as below.

I think this is the actually we wanted to do. Now lets add a record in SQL table and refresh page.
INSERT INTO TestTable VALUES ('John Bhatt','M. Tech','');


So we can say that, adding EmptyDataText and style for EmptyDataRow does not affect any or our design for normal view.

Do not forget to share and like if you found this helpful. Saying a thank will encourage me. If you find are mistakes and errors in above code and tutorial, please report by leaving a comment here. We will try to rectify and help other members.

+John Bhatt 
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Thursday, January 9, 2014

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Introduction to Torrent


Have you heard of torrent? Oh! you must have. Many of you have used torrent to download files and other documents from internet. But many of us are unaware of how torrent works and what torrent is?

Lets talk about Torrent in detail.

What is torrent?

Torrent is actually a computer file type used by BitTorrent protocol. This file contains meta data about the file's and folder's size, their list of locations (called trackers in language of torrent). This has extension of .torrent. One more and most important thing about torrent file is that, it does not contain files or folders that you want to download. It only contains the Structure, Location and other information about file. In current days, this has been replaced by Magnet Link which is a web version (hyper link) of this file containing all information about this file.

History of BitTorrent?

BitTorrent is a peer to peer file sharing protocol developed by Programmer Bram Cohen and first released on April 2001. He released it for public on 2 July 2001 on first time and continuously developed till 2008. As per BitTorrent, Inc which has published official client also, revealed that number of Torrent users per day over world is twice than the users of Facebook and YouTube combined together. 

How it works?

Now, if the torrent file does not contain files to be downloaded, how actually it works? Lets see a image below to understand more clearly.

Requirement and Background

While the file is of Gigantic size and need to be distributed among many users, what is the cost of server. The same amount of data has been transferred to each users. Suppose a file of one GB is to be shared among a thousand users. Then server needs more than a one Terra Byte of bandwidth which will surely cost a lot for any company. This will also impact the performance of server. To overcome this, BitTorrent protocol is designed where you need not to distribute file to each user, Once user downloaded a file, that can even uploaded from users PC.
Most of Computer Science students are known and for others information, data is transmitted in Packets over internet. A complete file can not be transferred at at time if that has lot of data. And you have heard of Bit and Byte. At a single time a limited byte of data can only travel or transmits between two IP (computers).
Suppose, we have a file of 100 MB and our computer hardware determines and think that it can be transmitted if the file has been broken into 100 pieces and then tells receiver that it has send 100 pieces of a file, combine and give to user, in general language. This is also applicable for torrent also. Torrent file has meta data where the piece size has been mentioned. The complete file has been broken into pieces and assigned a serial number (virtual). Then at the time of distribution, these pieces are downloaded to users computer one by one. And most importantly, based on permission from user, the downloaded pieces are again uploaded to other user who is downloading same file.


Following are major advantage of torrent protocol for user and uploader.

  • Server cost is reduces because file is later shared using peers (other users who are downloading)
  • Even your Internet get disconnected or you shut down your computer, your files are saved in hard disk and if you think of continuing the download, only remaining pieces will downloaded. This is intelligence added in BitTorrent clients. 
  • Better download speed.
  • Faster distribution
We will talk about legal controversies and other bad aspects of torrent system on later post. 

If you find this post helpful, say thanks on comments or you have any suggestions or feedback on this, please comment.

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

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Cloud Storage : SkyDrive

Some time ago, we have talked about Cloud Storage. Continuation of that series, I am going to write here about SkyDrive, a cloud storage facility provided by Microsoft to its user for free with custom upgradable plans also.


SkyDrive logos at various stages

   Microsoft SkyDrive is included with Windows Live product and previously known as Windows Live Folders, then Windows Live SkyDrive and now SkyDrive or Microsoft SkyDrive. Being officially announced on 01 August 2007, this product is tested by some BETA testers across United States and UK. Initially storage capacity is given 5GB per user which is expanded to 25 GB on 02 December 2008. On continuous improvement of service, SkyDrive is integrated with Office Web Apps and (formerly Hotmail) to attach larget Photos and other documents as email attachments. 


Now, SkyDrive is developed for various platforms and available for most of devices. Now it has its native application for Apple's iOS and Mac, Google's Android, Microsoft's Windows (Desktop version for Windows 7 and prior version), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Phone and XBox 360 also with Web version. Due to high volume of users and popularity, its size has been reduced to 7 GB for new registrations. Emails registered after 22 April 2012 will get 7 GB for free while members registered before that date have 25GB of free storage. You can upload every kind of file in SkyDrive, there is no restriction of File Type. SkyDrive is  currently available over world with 94 languages. Microsoft launched Premium plans of SkyDrive on 23 September 2013 which are divided in 3 classes for 50+, 100+ and 200+ which adds corresponding GBs of data to user account.
The Desktop version and other application has capability to Sync file and save to cloud as preferred by user over internet.

Registration & Login

Everyone, who signs up for Microsoft Live Account has access to All of the Windows Live services including SkyDrive. SkyDrive is accessible at


There are lots of feature of using Cloud Storage, but we will just list some of SkyDrive features that are notable.

  • Integrated with Office Web Apps, you can create or edit your document online.
  • Format support of PDF, XML based Document and ODF with lots more.
  • Document Embedding on web and sharing with friends which makes it useful at work.
  • Email Integration, send directly via email as attachment to any email id.
  • Share with Windows Live Groups, such as your office team have access to your work files and they can work even you are not at office and multiple users at at time.
  • Slideshow of uploaded photos.
  • Recycle Bin. Most useful tool for cloud storage. Suppose you uploaded a larger file and deleted by mistake. SkyDrive gives you option to Restore your file within maximum of 30 days period.
  • Download all your files in single Zip file and extract at your machine.


SkyDrive for Web (Current Version)

Windows 8.1

For a Developer

SkyDrive has launched its API so that developer can develop applications for Windows Phone, Windows 8 and 8.1 and other portable devices which has ability to store data and access to SkyDrive of user.


Applications are available for downloads free on various platforms. 

If you found this post helpful, do share and if you have any feedback please post a comment. 
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Friday, January 3, 2014

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New project for Indian Computer Institute (ICI)


These days I am working on a website and web application for Computer Institute.

Indian Computer Institute is a complete software training center established in 2008 and served more than 5000 students with excellent placement records. This institute is based in Rani Bagh location of New Delhi and some months ago, on the expansion of its chain of branch, a new Center has been opened at Jahangirpuri in New Delhi.

Project Details:

  • Website

    • Powered by PHP/MySQL platform.
    • WordPress as CMS.
    • Responsive Design.
  • Email

    • Email Service for their custom company.
    • Administration of services.
  • Software

    • Version 1.0.30 of ESKOOL, A complete web based Educational Institute Management system designed for Schools, training center and computer institutes based on ASP.NET platform.
Please have a look at my recent work and provide feedback or suggestions.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Creating a Static Home Page on Blogger


On the first day of English Calender, lets start with Blogger tip. A lot of us use Blogger as blogging platform. Blogger is self hosted blogging software from Google. It has great tools and uptime and easier interface with lots of Google features integration with custom templates.
But it lacks a feature, you can not set a static home page. In other CMS (Content Management Systems) you have option to set your desired page as homepage so that each-time user visits website, the static welcome page or home page can be served. Blogger does not support this kind of setting.

Lets make a trick with Google so that we can set our desired post as home page.


  1. Sign into blogger account and choose blog for which you want to set a static homepage.
  2. If you have already written that post and published, skip options 3.
  3. Click on New Post button in your Blog Admin section.
  4. After setting your content and page title, Click on Schedule link in right side of compose box.
  5. Set any future date and save. Remember date must be of future, suggested is a year or more future. 


The above trick will work on blogger because blogs are sorted according to published date and newer first. So blogger will think that that blog is published in last time and display at top of your blog.

There might be some risk if you are using AdSense with blogger, because the AdSense team randomly checks websites and this might not be according to their policy.

Thanks for reading. Wish you a happy new year once again and better luck ahead.
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